or shortcuts to reports are stored (yes, shortcuts are ok too)This script will refresh them all (mind the object definition
for a BO 6 system.
download refreshscript
External memory from my trainings. I used to teach Business Objects, Internet Development and Hardware at Xylos NV (http://www.xylos.com)
download refreshscript
In a previous message, I wrote about some functions on time. Here are my favorite functions... much better than the previous ones
function GetLastDayPreviousMonth()
Dim dt
Dim firstDay
Dim lastDay
dt = now()
firstDay = DateSerial(Year(dt), Month(dt), 1)
lastday = DateAdd("d",-1,firstDay)
GetLastDayPreviousMonth = lastDay
end function
function GetFirstDayPreviousMonth()
dim firstDay
firstDay = DateSerial(year(GetLastDayPreviousMonth()),month(GetLastDayPreviousMonth()),1)
GetFirstDayPreviousMonth = firstDay
end function
Sillyness.. absolutely :
=dateadd(“d”, –1, dateadd(“m”, -1, cdate(year(today()) & “/” & month(today()) & “/1”)))
will give you the last day of the previous month.
the first day is easier still :
=dateadd(“m”, -1, cdate(year(today()) & “/” & month(today()) & “/1”))
function convertTime(intMinutes)
dim iTimeInHours, iTimeMinutes,strTimeMinutes, strTimeInHours, strTimeInHoursAndMinutes
iTimeInHours = intMinutes \ 60
iTimeMinutes = intMinutes mod 60
if (iTimeInHours < 10) then
strTimeInHours = "0" & cstr(iTimeInHours)
strTimeInHours = cstr(iTimeInHours)
end if
if (iTimeMinutes < 10) then
strTimeMinutes = "0" & cstr(iTimeMinutes)
strTimeMinutes = cstr(iTimeMinutes)
end if
strTimeInHoursAndMinutes = strTimeInHours & ":" & strTimeMinutes convertTime = strTimeInHoursAndMinutes
end function
function calculateTime(eDt as datetime, sDt as datetime, eLu as Int32)
dim iTime
iTime = DateDiff("n",eDt,sDt) - eLu calculateTime = iTime
end function
A colleague of mine asked for a parameter on a report. The report had to run from the first of the previous month, until the last day of the previous month. I solved this with this function :
function fnGetLastDayOfMonth(datum as date)
fnGetLastDayOfMonth = Day(DateSerial(Year(datum), Month(datum) + 1, 0))
end function
I then called this function in this way :
=cdate(iif(month(now())=1,year(now())-1,year(now())) & "/" & iif(month(now())=1,12,month(now())-1) & "/01")
=cdate(iif(month(now()) = 1,year(now())-1,year(now())) & "/" & iif(month(now()) > 1,month(now())-1,12) & "/" & code.GetLastDayOfMonth(cdate(iif(month(now()) = 1,year(now())-1,year(now())) & "/" & iif(month(now()) > 1,month(now())-1,1) & "/" & "1")))
can’t believe I wrote that function – this will do the trick just fine.
=dateadd(“d”, –1, dateadd(“m”, +1, cdate(year(today()) & “/” & month(today()) & “/1”)))
from the parameter. It would then feed the first day of the previous month to that function and there you have it.. the last day. Cool.