dinsdag, juni 26, 2007

Time in Reporting Services

Putting time in a table is easy... format as hh:MM -- but ! This time I had to put time in a correct format (hours:minutes) and the given data was in minutes. Maybe there is an easy way, but I haven't found it yet - this is my solution :

function convertTime(intMinutes as int32)
'prepare variables
dim arrValues, numMinutes, strNumHours, strNumMinutes
dim numHours, numValue, strTime,strIntMinutes
strNumHours = ""

'get the time
if intMinutes > 0 then
strIntMinutes = cstr(intMinutes/60)
if instr(strIntMinutes,",") > 0 then
arrValues = split(strIntMinutes ,",")
strNumHours = cstr(arrValues(0))
strNumMinutes = cstr(cint(cint(left(arrValues(1),2))/100*60))
else strNumHours = cstr(strIntMinutes)
strNumMinutes = "00"
end if
strNumHours = "00"
strNumMinutes = "00"
end if
if len(strNumHours) = 1 then
strNumHours = "0" & strNumHours
end if
if len(strNumMinutes) = 1 then
strNumMinutes = strNumMinutes & "0"
end if
strTime = strNumHours & ":" & strNumMinutes
convertTime = strTime
end function

put this in the code (properties of the report) and call it with


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